Sunset Copperplate Rag 315gsm


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Sunset Copperplate Rag 315gsm is a mould-made paper, manufactured for digital printing that simulates a handmade paper. The soft grain, 100% cotton base has a matte finish with the look and feel of a true art paper. The interlocking fibers add to the art paper feel and increase durability, as well. This paper is free of optical brighteners, and is also acid- and lignin-free. The natural white base produces excellent color gamut and unsurpassed Dmax at a price point that's highly competitive with other fine art, mould-made papers on the market.

Product Highlights

Soft grain - Mould-madeExcellent color gamutFine art and fine photographic reproduction and restoration
100% Cotton RagInterlocking fibersFine art and photographic open and limited edition prints
Natural whiteExceptional DmaxArt portfolios, photo albums, memory books and wedding albums
Archival quality

Product Properties

Unit1 Roll
Core Size3in Core
Base Material100% cotton rag
Coating TypeMatte
Surface TextureSoft grain, etching
Base Weight315 gsm
Thickness565 microns, .022 inches
Whiteness (CIE)86
Brightness (TAPPI)97
Printer/Ink CompatibilityAqueous Pigment and Dye Ink Compatible
Imaging SidePrint side facing out
Print SettingsMK Ink, a textured fine art paper setting is recommended as a starting point.
Finishing/Post ProcessingFine art prints are recommended to be handled with cotton gloves to ensure the quality of the print.
Ideal Storage ConditionsThe recomended climate for storage of all papers is 15-20°C, relative humidity of 40-60%. Always store in original packaging, out of direct sunlight and protected from
Shelf Life1 year from the LexJet ship date when stored in proper conditions.

The assigned numerical reading and other tests referenced in this text are not intended to reflect hazards presented by this or any other material under actual fire cognitions. Consult an architect or fire safety engineer for information on applicable building codes and reduction of fire hazards, including the use of sprinklers.

Item Details

8.5 in x 11 in (25 Sheets)SCPR851125848412021929
13 in x 19 in (25 Sheets)SCPR131925848412021936
17 in x 22 in (25 Sheets)SCPR172225848412021943
8.5 in x 11 in (50 Sheets)SCPR851150848412021950
13 in x 19 in (50 Sheets)SCPR131950848412021967
17 in x 22 in (50 Sheets)SCPR172250848412021974
36 in x 48 in (25 Sheets)SCPR364825848412021981
17 in x 50 ftSCPR1750848412021998
24 in x 50 ftSCPR2450848412022001
36 in x 50 ftSCPR3650848412022018
44 in x 50 ftSCPR4450848412022025
60 in x 50 ftSCPR6050848412022032


Product Performance & Suitability

All of the descriptive information and recommendations for the use of LexJet products should be used only as a guide. Furnishing such information and recommendations shall in no event constitute a warranty of any kind by LexJet. All purchasers of LexJet products shall independently determine the suitability of the material for the purpose for which it is purchased. Seller's and manufacturer's only obligation shall be to replace such quantity of the product proved to be defective. Neither the seller nor manufacturer shall be liable either in tort or in contract for any loss or damage, direct, incidental or consequential (Including loss of profits or revenue) arising out of the use of or the inability to use the product. No statement or recommendation not contained herein shall have any force or effect unless in agreement signed by officers of seller and manufacturer.